

In April I had my wisdom teeth and a baby tooth removed. I was out of work for 2 days. The first day was not much fun at all, except I didn't feel a thing during the procedure. I found out that I don't have tolerance for hydrocodon. So basically, I was sick for about 10 or so hours, and couldn't keep anything down. Poor Nick had to come home from work to help me a couple of times. Could thing he lives close to work. And he did such a good job taking care of me. Thanks honey! Later into the next week my jaw, chin & throat were bruised from the procedure. Let's just say I'm glad that's over with. Oh! Nick got me flowers! Aren't they beautiful?!

The week after I had my dental work done I mad this really cute vinyl lettering/hanging thing at Relief Society. I think it's really cute.

The weekend after I had my teeth taken out we were able to go to Rexburg and visit Nick's brother, Jason, and his wife, SueAnn, and their daughter Rachel. It was Easter weekend and it was nice to spend it with family. We were able to see Jason's improv comedy group on Saturday night after a fun filled day w/the fam. Nick's Aunt Marlene & cousin Terrie were able to come up from UT on Friday and see Jason's show on Saturday night as well. It was good to see them as well. It was the first time I met Terrie. It's nice to get to know Nick's relatives that I don't know that well.

And last but not least, my hair finally got long enough to donate to locks of love. So here is my hair that I donated & my new do.


the splendid life of us... said...

i am SO GLAD to see you updating! Sorry about the wisdom teeth thing, that is exactly why I have been avoiding getting mine out. I can't wait to see what you have been doing may and june too.

Beck said...

Your hair looks so cute! It's so nice to see what you guys are up to these days. :)