
New Job & Baby

Well for those of you who didn't know, Nick got a job!!! Wahoooo!! He is working for Verizon Wireless out of the Salt Lake inbound call center. He is still in training but I think he is starting to like it more. Congrats love!

I am going to start watching my twin nephews this coming Monday. Had a little trial run yesterday which was nice. But it means no more late nights & late mornings.

This week I had hit my half way mark with my pregnancy. I can't believe that in another 20 weeks I am going to have a baby! I am excited, nervous & very happy to have this baby. I can hardly wait to meet him/her.


BYU v. USU Gymnastics

For Christmas Nick got me tickets to the BYU v. USU gymnastics meet. Well Nick was unable to go with me due to his new job (I'll talk about that in another post), so I asked my sister Jenny to go with me. It was a lot of fun. I haven't been to a meet in years. And it was nice to be able to spend some time with Jen. Of course the Cougars won!!! I don't remember the score and couldn't get a pic of it fast enough.

Afterwords, we stopped by Aggie Ice Cream to bring some home to the troops but they were closed. Jen told me that Macy's in South Logan/Providence sold it. So stopped there on our way home and brought home 2- 1/2 gallons. It was so yummy.

Thanks Nick for the great Christmas present. Thanks Jen for going with me, even though I had a cold. It was a blast.


BYU vs. Utah Basketball Game

Last Saturday, January 30th, we went to the BYU v. Utah basketball game at the Marriott Center. I gave Nick these tickets for one of his Christmas presents. He was pretty stoked especially since I gave him a BYU shirt too (thanks jen for picking it up for me). We had a lot of fun but Nick said the game was too close for his comfort. But in the end we still won. Go Cougars!!!

The drive home was ok until we got to Layton. It ended up taking us two hours to get home from Layton because the interstate was closed and the weather was so bad. Glad we won the game & that we got home in one piece.


It's a...

Girl? Well that is what the doctor told me today. When she finally had a good view she said "it's a girl." Nick then asked her how her acuracy is. The doc said "not good." So my next appointment is the first of March along with an ultrasound. So hopefully we'll have a better idea by then. I do have a strong feeling that it is a girl, especially since I've had dreams of our baby being a girl. Here are some ultrasound pics for your enjoyment. We are just so glad that are baby is doing so well and is very healthy!

The baby & heartbeat.

baby's feet

Head, hands, & body